Security Turnstiles

Security Turnstiles

A turnstile is a controlled entrance system designed to deter or stop unauthorised entrants. Security levels vary depending on the type of product. Their uses include airports, power stations, MOD sites and ports, and they are designed to be surface mounted for rapid deployment.

Turnstiles come with many different integrated identification systems, most of which being embodied within the unit itself. Options can include card readers, key pads and cameras among many other detection variations.

Many manufacturers are entirely compatible with most of the systems that are available today, simply requiring a two-door controller to allow access and egress.

Most units come with a fire alarm which will allow unhindered emergency egress. They will also give accurate readings on how many occupants pass in and out of the facility through the security system installed. Latest products can directly control and monitor across Ethernet networks and integrate with CCTV systems.

For installation and reliable operation, units require a level surface that is structurally sound, but specially accustomed fixings can be utilised to make use of raised floors and soft screed finishes.

There are a number of inputs and outputs required which are facilitated by conduits in the floor. The turnstile manufacturer should always be made aware of the detail of these locations. But, in the instance whereby the user doesn’t wish to cause damage to the floor, most turnstiles can be installed on raised plinths, thus allowing them to be removed quite easily and preventing disruption to floor finishes. Full-height units are available and can be wired up from above.

Building management turnstile systems – when used in conjunction with an access control system – can actually have a beneficial impact on the environment; saving energy through the detection of unoccupied areas of your building. Most of the units use stainless steel, glass and plastics which can be recycled when the unit reaches the end of its life cycle.

It is important that turnstiles are maintained and serviced regularly, and the amount required will be appropriate to the flow of traffic. But it is advised that one or two checks per year should be the minimum requirement.

In summary, it is vital that you can offer your customer the perfect access control solution which will fit their security needs. There are a huge amount of options available on the market today, and each one is designed to cater for varying levels of security. Please speak to us for professional advice on what product would work best for you or your client.

01992 524 800